
Rare Pizza Shark Sighting in Bend

By June 21, 2014 Food, Places, Travel

Among the many benefits of camping is the food. Despite the limited food options (try finding a well-stocked grocery store in any popular camping area) and the lack of proper tools, there’s something special about preparing and eating a meal in the wild. And over the previous couple of weeks we ate well (my Father’s Day Jalapeno/Quinoa Scramble could have been a $20 brunch option in any restaurant), plus the steak, tacos, sloppy joes, hand-mashed potatoes, etc. I honestly could go on.

But with Bend, Oregon on the horizon and pizza being both a family favorite and something that is nearly impossible to prepare properly on a grill, we were looking forward to food built from the crust up.

The Sugar Pine Café, a Yelp find in LaPine, Oregon helped whet our appetites. If you’re headed North on US-97 in Oregon and are thinking you should wait until Bend for some good grub, don’t. Hit the Sugar Pine Café instead.

140621-BEND-Sugar Pine Cafe

Yelp also helped us find Pizza Mondo in Bend. Despite its small interior dining area, pinched sidewalk tables and the cramped process for ordering, it’s a pizza joint big on the unexpected. Unique combinations, great crust and high-quality ingredients–not to mention a well-selected craft beer menu–made for a strong re-entry into civilization. Also I was fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of and document a rare appearance of the Pizza Shark.

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  • Sarah Eisner July 29, 2014 at 1:54 am

    Love the food posts. Keep ’em comin!